TIAA EZ Navigate

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TIAA revamped their user journey in way that made it simple and EZ for users to navigate their financial future.


TIAA revamped user journey

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Explainer, Motion, Branding, Instructional, Financial


We helped TIAA explain how simple and user friendly their new portal is for users to navigate.

TIAA spent years rethinking and retooling their online user experience for their end users, plan sponsors and administrators. We helped TIAA get the word out and showcase the new features and benefits to their vast user base. We created a series of easy to follow, short, explanatory videos that focused on the benefits for each group of users and gave them a taste of the new, intuitive interfaces that was set to increases the efficiency of their user experience.

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Inspire Connection

Curiosity is our key to imaginative and accurate communications. Intake is the foundation of producing media that simply and effectively engages viewers and communicates key takeaways in a way that sticks. We listen, ask too many questions (but we do it quickly and efficiently), then research the topics and missions of our clients diligently so that we can understand and offer fresh perspectives on the issues at hand. Then we find ways to refine the message in bite size, engaging bits and present them in eye catching, story driven ways that viewers enjoy and remember.

  • Communications internal, B2B, B2C
  • Explainers, How Tos, Instructional
  • Recruiting & Retention
  • Events, Trade shows, Conferences

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