The Segway Pimp

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We couldn't get anyone to make this phenomenal feature film so we made a trailer.

Segway Pimp

The Segway Pimp Movie Trailer

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Segway Pimp


The Ruckus


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Branded Entertainment, Comedy, Celebrity, Live Action


What do you do if none of the major studios (or anyone for that matter) wants to make your film? Well you make a trailer and deleted scenes from a film that was never made.

We produced a movie trailer to promote a feature film by comic genius JB Smoove that would soon become a cult classic film that never existed. Who could resist the action packed adventures and dramatic exploits of the newest, biology meets technology, super star hero, The Segway Pimp. The ensemble cast of hookers, opposing pimps, thugs, cops and johns made this film a must see that could not be seen. We also spliced together found footage from deleted scenes from a movie that was never shot. This blockbuster promotional effort successfully sold absolutely no tickets to this fictitious film.

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Segway Pimp
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Inspire Connection

A-List & Emerging Talent + Creative Production = Innovation.

Our integration with top talent management companies creates an environment where celebrities, writers, directors, actors and comedians intimately collaborate with our creative production forces to bring spectacular results and laughs to your media mission.

  • Comedic branded content
  • Top celebrities and emerging talent
  • Highly experienced comedy directors and crews
  • Live action location & studio shoots
  • Set, costume and prop design
  • 2D & 3D motion graphics & compositing

A laugh is worth a million words!

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Segway Pimp
Segway Pimp
Segway Pimp



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